Eduction for the Ministry


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EFM Education for Ministry (@EFMNZ) Facebook page

The Education for Ministry programme site operated by the University of the South, in Sewanee, Tennessee, USA. This includes general information about the EfM programme, including more sample sessions from the new EfM curriculum.

EfM Canada

Belonging in this Land. Treaty basics from a Christian Persepctive

Kinder Library is the library and archive for the Anglican Church and a resource for the whole Anglican Church. It also holds the former library from Trinity Methodist Theological College which has been on the St John's College campus since 1973. The library is also a resource for the Methodist Church of New Zealand 

The Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia; official Web Site of the Three Tikanga (Cultural Streams)  Church encompassing Maori ‐ Aotearoa, Pakeha ‐ New Zealand and Pasefika ‐ Polynesia.

Theology House is a resource and learning centre, offering seminars, courses, workshops, and a theological library.  Located in Christchurch.

St John's College, located in Auckland, is the residential Theological College of the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia.

St. Luke's in the City parish, Christchurch. This site has many useful resources, click on headings for theology, education, sermons, and articles.

Christianity An entertaining and informative site that contains theological information, spiritual insight, and opportunity for discussion ‒ check it out!

Church Times Weekly online independent Anglican newspaper. Includes news coverage and commentary. Useful material for spirituality, worship, preaching and teaching. Has reflections on weekly readings of Anglican church, prayers and liturgical resources, and commentary on current church issues.

Sojourners Website for Sojourners Ministries, which puts out Sojourners magazine. Sojourners articulates the biblical call to social justice. 

Student Christian Movement Aotearoa SCM is an ecumenical and inclusive movement, that explores the Christian faith in an open-minded, non-judgemental way.  SCM believes faith and social justice cannot be separated and that Christians must be engaged with contemporary theological, political and social issues.  It is affiliated with the World Student Christian Federation.

Affirming Catholicism promotes inclusivity in the Anglican Church. Website has commentary on key current issues. 

Ship of calls itself “The Magazine of Christian Unrest.”  Entertaining and provocative reading on a variety of contemporary topics. 

Churches Youth Ministry Association has useful information on Theological Reflection.

AnglicanTaonga A site that tells the stories of the Anglican Church in Aotearoa New Zealand and Polynesia.

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